What inspires the gear you and your dog love? In this exclusive Q&A, get to know Edward, the founder of DOG iD, and what motivates him to create the world’s safest gear.
Get to know Edward.
Which DOG iD product do you think every pet owner should have and why?
Easy. The Dog ID 2—hands down. Why? Because its jingle-free, snag-free design was inspired by my dog, Scout, who was the absolute best. She crossed the rainbow bridge six years ago, and honestly, I still can’t think about her without tearing up. I’m tearing up right now—at my desk. At any rate, the Dog ID 2 that she inspired? It saves lives with its snag-free design. That’s a legacy worth sharing.
If your dogs could talk, what would be the first thing they'd say about you?
“Hurry up, dude! Let’s go for a walk—I’ve got pee-mails to check and butts to sniff!” Priorities—am I right?!
Which DOG iD product did you have the most fun creating?
Oh, no contest—the Schitty Kit. Seriously, how was this not a thing before? It’s 2025. We’ve got AI writing music and cars that drive themselves, but we’re still walking around like cavemen carrying dog poop in our hands?! Enter the Schitty Kit: part poop solution, part revolution. You’re welcome, world.
If you could create an imaginary product for DOG iD, what would it be (dog-walking robot, mood-reading collar, etc.)?
A bark translator, for sure. But here’s the catch—I don’t want my dogs speaking human. I think that would totally ruin the magic of the unspoken dog-human bond. Still, I’d love to decode their barks. Is that high-pitched one excitement? Hunger? Or just them being a drama queen?
How do you decide which new products to develop?
It all starts with something I call “pet-peevedness.” Jingly dog tags waking me up in the middle of the night? Irritated. Carrying warm, smelly poop bags around? Gross…and really dumb. Most leashes on the market are flimsy and featureless. Frustrated. I like to take those irritations and turn them into solutions. I’m also obsessed with quality. So every solution must also be premium-grade, built to last, and backed by a company you can count on. I believe that If you’re gonna spend your hard-earned money, it better be on something that earns your trust and stands the test of time.