Hello everyone!
This edition of Dogs Are People Too is dedicated to all of the dogs out there that look at us with love in their eyes. The Tik Tok I’ve included really inspired me to dedicate this edition to the dogs that love us back - where else are you going to find those big eyes looking at you like you’re their whole world? So sit back, relax, and enjoy this wholesome edition of Dogs Are People Too.
4 Paws Success Story
We are very proud of our partnership with 4 Paws for Ability. If you didn’t know already, a portion of every order made on dogid.com is donated to 4 Paws to support the training and placement of service dogs with children, adults, and veterans. They share some service dog stories on their blog that follow up with service dog recipients. This one in particular made me smile as it follows up on a perfect match, David and Avery.
You’re Great
This is a quick little clip of a very happy pup just trotting along the street. Look at those eyes and tell me his inner monologue isn’t pure love.
The DOG iD Story
This wholesome story is close to home because, well, it was written by the DOG iD CEO and Founder Edward Wimmer IV. Take a minute and learn more about where we came from and the dog that inspired it all.
If you have a favorite piece of wholesome dog news or stories about the goodest boy or girl, please let me know! I may even set it aside for future Dogs Are People Too editions.